Үйлдвэрийн атираат шүүлтүүр уутны хайрцагны шүүлтүүрийг хялбархан арчлах боломжтой

Үйлдвэрийн атираат шүүлтүүр уутны хайрцагны шүүлтүүрийг хялбархан арчлах боломжтой

  • Тодорхойлолт
  • Лавлагаа
Бүтээгдэхүүний тодорхойлолт

e Dust filter bag for Industry

INTRODUCTIONҮйлдвэрийн атираат шүүлтүүр уутны хайрцагны шүүлтүүрийг хялбархан арчлах боломжтой


Filter cartridge is a kind of common dust catching device. The characteristic is: high capture rate, small resistance, easy to into the flue, гэх мэт. They are widely used for particulate matter, food and beverage industry lampblack, asphalt smoke pollutants such as sampling, chromium acid fog, acid mist.


According to the material, it can be divided into glass fibre filter cylinder and corundum filter cartridge, daily application is the most widely glass fibre filter cylinder. Glass fibre filter cylinder made of super fine glass fiber to 0.5 mu m above dust capture rate can reach more than 99.9%. But due to the production process, some cartridge quality problems, affects the efficiency of capture, in gas monitoring, the sampling error analysis on monitoring results is greater than the influence.


Бүтэц ба хэрэглээ

The structure of the filter cartridge, it often has the top cover, metal framework, folded filter material and base parts, гэх мэт. Filter cartridge is calculating the length of the filter material folded into fold, fore and aft adhesive to drum. The drum internal is supported by metal frame. The cartridge upper and lower fixed with cover and base. It has two types: one kind is inside and outside protected with galvanized steel plate; Another is the outer wall without galvanized steel plate protection, it is easy to dedusting.

Техникийн үзүүлэлтүүд


The specifications of the commonly used diameter of the filter cartridge is 120-350mm, урт нь 660 – 2000мм. Please see the data as following:


Үйлдвэрийн атираат шүүлтүүр уутны хайрцагны шүүлтүүрийг хялбархан арчлах боломжтой

Filter cartridge characteristic


The performance of the filter material include: physical and chemical properties, mechanical properties and filtration performance. For these performance, it takes physico-chemical properties of the fiber in filter, and the organizational structure of the filter material and manufacturing process, гэх мэт.




1. Physical and chemical property


Шүүлтүүр уутны материалыг сонгосны дараа шүүлтүүр уутны үзүүлэлтүүдийг тодорхойлно, Бид анхаарлын хувьд дараахь байдлаар шүүгчийн уутыг боловсруулна:

(1) Quality. Quality generally called heavy cloth, it refers to the quality of area of filter material (g/to2). Due to the material and the structure of the filter material is the most intuitive to reflect on the quality, so the quality key to filter material performance is the most basic and the most important indicator.

(2) Зузаан. Thickness is one of the physical properties. It is more influence on the permeability of filter material, wear resistance, гэх мэт.


(3) Density and heat resistance of heat-resistant.


(4) Electrostatic resistance. Gas movement or sit grain collision will make some filter material charged. The influence of the process is two aspects. One side is opposite charges attract. the dust particles from the air to the electric fungus instead of filter material movement, too big wide filtration efficiency. Adversesurface electrostatic and cutting force is not necessarily at the end of the filter section disappear, make clear ash is difficult. In addition, due to the charged dust accumulation, higher static voltage, with ginger produced an explosion caused by spark. Боловсруулалтын чанарын стандартыг чанд мөрдөж ажилладаг, зураг төсөл, ашиглалтын процессын дагуу. Манай ажилчин багаж хэрэгслийн болон хувцасны гутал, малгайны шаардлагыг хангаж ажилладаг, тамхигүй.

Үйлдвэрийн атираат шүүлтүүр уутны хайрцагны шүүлтүүрийг хялбархан арчлах боломжтой

(5) Hygroscopicity, flame resistance and corrosion resistance.
(6) Dimensional stability. Dimensional stability is refers to the filter material of warp and weft rate. It changed porosity of filter material, the filtering efficiency and resistance are affected. Sometimes, it even affect the normal operation of dust collector. Therefore, the filter material rate is as small as possible.
(7) Rigidity. It include tensile strength and breaking strength. Бид бүтээгдэхүүнийг боловсруулах үүрэгтэй, мөн шалгаж байна, хог хаягдал, үлдэгдэл, эхэндээ гэмтэлтэй бараа.
2. Filtration Performance
The efficiency of the filter material, resistance and ventilation rate, dust content quantity, service life, гэх мэт. The are collectively referred to as filtration performance.
(1) Filtration efficiency. Filter efficiency of filter material related to the filter material structure. It also depends on the dust layer formed on the filter material. From the structure of filter material, the short fiber is more higher filtration efficiency than long fiber. From the perspective of the formation of the dust layer, the thin filter material dust layer are destroyed, efficiency to reduce a lot, and thick filter material ash removal after still can keep part of the dust in the filter material. Generally, without the filter material burst, The all can achieve the highest efficiency (above 99.0%). Тиймээс, as long as the design parameters properly selected, dust removal effect of cartridge filter should no problem.
(2) Dust load quantity. It is also called the dust load. To refer achieve a given resistance value per unit area on the filter material of dust deposition quantity (kg/m2). The filtration material influence the resistance of the soot cleaning cycle. In order to avoid frequent ash removal and extend the life of the filter cartridge, we need to require filter material bigger.
Үйлдвэрийн атираат шүүлтүүр уутны хайрцагны шүүлтүүрийг хялбархан арчлах боломжтой
(3) Air permeability rate and resistance. Air permeability rate is refers under certain pressure difference, the gas through the filter matierl as per unit area. The resistance of the filter material is directly related to air permeability rate. As calibration volume of constant pressure difference, the value is not the same. Japan and United States take 127 pa. Sweden take 100 pa, Germany take 200 pa. Тиймээс, choose breathable rate, it needs to consider the differential pressure in the experiment. Air permeability rate depends on the type and fiber fineness and fiber weaving method, гэх мэт. In Sweden, filament fiber filter material permeability rate is 200 ~ 800 m3 / Cm2 • h. The short silk fiber filter material of the ventilation rate was 300 ~ 1000m3/Cm2h, felt filter material permeability rate is 400 ~ 800 m3 / Cm2h.
Air permeability rate generally refers to clean filter material permeability rate. After the filter cloth product with dust, the air permeability rate to decrease. According to the properties of dust, the general permeability rate is only 20% ~ 40 % of starting rate (clean filter material when the venting rate). The air permeability rate reduced, the dust removal efficiency increasted, resistance force is increased greatly.
(4) The life of the filter material. The life of the filter material is the normal conditions of use filter material life. It is determined by the quality of the filter material (material, method of weaving, post-treatment processing, гэх мэт.) and the using conditions (temperature, humidity, dust, ash removal mode, гэх мэт.) factors. Under the same conditions, the good dedusting process design can also be used to extend the service life of filter material.
3. The material of filter cartridge
Filter cartridge with filter material has four types: synthetic fiber nonwoven filter material, paper filter material, and the two kinds of filter material with membrane filter material. The characteristics of the filter cartridge material is: it has the strict requirements of stiffness. This is the special requirement of this filter material.
Үйлдвэрийн атираат шүүлтүүр уутны хайрцагны шүүлтүүрийг хялбархан арчлах боломжтой Үйлдвэрийн атираат шүүлтүүр уутны хайрцагны шүүлтүүрийг хялбархан арчлах боломжтой

Ажлын тохиолдлууд

In industry dust collection

Power Stations
Filtered dust
Flue ash, discharging flue ash
Coal dust
Барилга ба Барилга
Цемент, зуухны тоос, гипс, шохойн чулуу, нарийн нунтагласан кварц,
Кальцийн гидроксид, хар тугалганы дан исэл, шохой, хүчиллэг талстууд,
Цэвэр шавар, фосфатууд, магнезитын баяжмал, finely ground
fluorid, хөнгөн цагааны үйлдвэрлэл
Химийн үйлдвэр
Томас хоол (Бордоо)
Резинэн нэгдлүүд, агломерын тоос, catalysts
Sodium sulfate
Soap powder


In machinery top:

Силос / Tanks
Discharging systems
Warehouse units
Mixing equipment
Homogenizing systems
Chute Bottoms
Conveyor systems
Ventilator systems
Aeration systems
Powder Coating Machinery
Bottoms for sinter basin

Үйлдвэрийн атираат шүүлтүүр уутны хайрцагны шүүлтүүрийг хялбархан арчлах боломжтойҮйлдвэрийн атираат шүүлтүүр уутны хайрцагны шүүлтүүрийг хялбархан арчлах боломжтой

st Filter bag for High temperature cement industry dust collection waterproof application

Бидний үйлчилгээ


  • 1. Лавлагаа дотор нь хурдан хариу өгдөг 24 цаг.


  • 2. Борлуулалтын дараах үйлчилгээ, хурдан хариу арга хэмжээ авах, инженер суурилуулах гарын авлага. Санал хүсэлтийн дагуу хариу өгөх болно 24 цаг. Тоног төхөөрөмжийн байршилд ирсэн мэргэжлийн инженерүүдийг бид зохион байгуулж болно 48 асуудлыг шийдвэрлэх ажлын цаг.


  • 3. Тоос зайлуулах технологийн тодорхой нөхцлийн дагуу тоос цуглуулагчийн загвар. Бүх системийн салхины сүлжээний төслийн зураг төсөл. Бүтцийн хамгийн оновчтой загвар байх.


  • 4. Алибаба дахь тоног төхөөрөмжийн хамгийн хямд үнийг бүхэлд нь сүлжээнд тавтай морилно уу. Хэрэв манай үнэ өндөр байвал, бид үнийн саналын зөрүүнийхээ хоёрыг танд буцааж өгөх болно. Бидэнтэй гэрээ байгуулахаасаа өмнө асууна уу. Бидний сайн санааны зарчмын ачаар.


  • 5. Уут шүүгч төхөөрөмж дууслаа 20 ажилласан жил.


  • 6. Тоног төхөөрөмжийн сэлбэг хэрэгсэлтэй холбоотой, дотор сэлбэг хэрэгслийг баталгаажуулах 20 жил.


  • 7. Хэрэв дагалдах хэрэгсэл нь үйлдвэрлэлээ зогсоох юмуу шинэчлэх юм бол, солих эд ангиудыг ердийн хэрэглээ болгож чадах эсэхийг баталгаажуулах, сэлбэгийн үйлдвэрлэл зогсохоос нэг жилийн өмнө анхаарлаа хандуулаарай.


  • 8. Ирээдүйн талаар санаа зовох зүйлгүй, хялбар ажиллагааг хангах

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